Model:Furniture Calorimeter
Use:the Furniture Calorimeter complete with the appropriate instrumentation package or supply instrumentation to clients wishing to upgrade existing facilities or with a wish to build their own apparatus.
Standard:ISO 9705; ASTM D5424; ASTM D5537; ASTM E603; ASTM E1537; ASTM E1590; ASTM E1822; NFPA 265; UL 1685; NT FIRE 25; NT FIRE 32
FTT build and supply the Furniture Calorimeter complete with the appropriate instrumentation package or supply instrumentation to clients wishing to upgrade existing facilities or with a wish to build their own apparatus.
In the latter cases FTT supply a Gas Analysis Instrumentation Console and a Duct Section. The console contains all the necessary instrumentation to measure heat release rates and other associated parameters. This includes an analyser developed specifically for FTT Calorimeters, incorporating an enhanced Servomex 4100 featuring a high stability temperature controlled paramagnetic oxygen sensor (and optional CO2) with flow control and by-pass for fast response. The specification of this instrumentation is the same for both large and small scale calorimeters and can therefore also be conveniently used with the FTT Dual Cone Calorimeter. When used with the Cone Calorimeter the console is elegantly located within the Cone Calorimeter unit.
The Duct Insert contains probes for gas sampling and air velocity measurement along with smoke measurement equipment (white light or laser). Most dynamic fire testing apparatuses can be instrumented with this equipment to measure heat released and smoke produced from products burnt in them.
A Windows based software package enables automatic data collection and manipulation from the sophisticated data logger supplied with the Gas Analysis Instrumentation Console. The software (LSHRCalc) automatically calculates the heat release rate and associated parameters generating a detailed report for the product(s) being tested.
Among other options, FTT also offer burners constructed to ISO 9705 Annex A1 and A2 complete with gas train. A mass flow controller with digital display controls the gas flow. The gas controls include an auto-ignition unit incorporating several safety features.
主站蜘蛛池模板: 山阴县| 邛崃市| 鄱阳县| 托克托县| 师宗县| 莱西市| 兴安盟| 江西省| 黄大仙区| 思南县| 景谷| 永兴县| 宜昌市| 晋中市| 临洮县| 平舆县| 泗阳县| 定兴县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 天台县| 广灵县| 读书| 科技| 普洱| 厦门市| 新蔡县| 玉树县| 汾西县| 乐至县| 木兰县| 襄城县| 雷山县| 车险| 特克斯县| 鲁甸县| 乌拉特前旗| 汪清县| 论坛| 当涂县| 虎林市| 尚志市|