Use:Pile Integrity Tester
Standard:JGJ 106-2014, JTJ 254-1998, TB10218-2019, JTG/T 5312-2020, DBJ/T15-60-2019, JG/T 518-2017, ASTM D5882-16
The Pile Integrity Tester is available in various models, with one 【PIT-X and PIT-QV】 or two 【PIT-XFV and PIT-QFV】 channels of data acquisition. All models come with a Fast Fourier Transform 【FFT】 feature, a license of PIT-W Standard and a demonstration license of PIT-S.
Some models are available in a wireless version. It is possible to upgrade from a single channel model to a double channel one. Upgrades of traditional PITs involve hardware modifications and are performed at Pile Dynamics Inc. 【PDI】. Upgrades of wireless PITs are software-based and may be performed without shipping the instrument to PDI.
The choice of wireless or traditional version of a particular model must be made a priori, they are not interchangeable.
This discussion is intended to help you select which model to purchase, as well as to decide if you should acquire a license of PIT-W Professional Software “PIT-W Pro” and / or a permanent license of PIT-S.
主站蜘蛛池模板: 太湖县| 和政县| 郧西县| 汶上县| 永德县| 永平县| 噶尔县| 沙湾县| 沐川县| 舒兰市| 松溪县| 图们市| 海门市| 临泽县| 清原| 宝应县| 陇南市| 怀化市| 新河县| 台前县| 西畴县| 康乐县| 南丰县| 庐江县| 伊通| 彭州市| 巴南区| 吴忠市| 易门县| 邛崃市| 南雄市| 图们市| 河源市| 南昌县| 临城县| 灵宝市| 岢岚县| 弥勒县| 华池县| 西乡县| 延津县|