
EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing In-situ Testing Environmental Monitoring Water Quality Monitoring Suspended Solid digital sensor 7m MES5 for ODEON
Suspended Solid digital sensor 7m MES5 for ODEON


Use:measure of Suspended Solid, Turbidity and Sludge blanket


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measure of Suspended Solid, Turbidity and Sludge blanket

? Optical sensor based on absorptiometry ? Range of measure : SS : 0-50 g/L Sludge blanket 0-100 % Turbidity 0-4000 FAU ? Digital communication Modbus RS-485 ? Strong sensor

Scope : ? Urban Waste water treatment (Inlet/ sewage water (SS, Turbidity), Aeration basin (SS), Outlet (Turbidity). ? Treatment of industrial effluents (Aeration basin (SS)), Clarifier (Sludge blanket), Outlet (Turbidity) ? Sludge treatment (Centrifugation) ? Dredging site (turbidity)

The principle of measure is based on the mitigation of the Infra-Red signal in 870 nm through an optical path of 5mm. The sensor delivers measures in Suspended Solid (g/l), Turbidity (FAU) and Sludge Blanket detection in % of transmission IR. For a better precision, the optics of the sensor are regulated in temperature. For a measure of Suspended Solid, the sensor is directly calibrated on the material to be measured (sample of sludge). In Turbidimeter version the sensor delivers measures on a range 0-4000 FAU (Formazine Attenuation Unit) and is calibrated with solutions of Formazine.

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