The UOP8-MkIIe comprises a square air duct fabricated from stainless
steel. Air is drawn into the duct through a mesh guard and ?ow damper
by an axial ?ow fan. The fan speed can be controlled to produce a
range of air velocities in the duct. The air passes over an electrically
heated element with electronic closed-loop control, which provides
stable air temperatures at the user-selected value.
A tray carrier is located in the central section of the duct, which can
hold up to three trays of material to be dried. The UOP8-MkIIe is
supplied with three lightweight coated aluminium trays suitable for
food applications. The trays are inserted or removed from the duct
through a latched side door with an acrylic panel for viewing purposes.
The total weight of the trays and the carrier is measured using three
load cells and is displayed on the software. A graph of weight against
time allows the drying regimes to be displayed and understood.
From the rate of change (slope) of this graph the drying rate can be
Comprehensive instrumentation is included and the measured values
recorded on the computer:
Weight of trays plus contents (with tare function)
Temperature (dry bulb) and relative humidity of the heated air before the trays
Temperature and relative humidity of the air after passing over the trays
Air velocity
From each pair of temperature and relative humidity readings the full thermodynamic properties of the air can be determined using a
psychrometric chart, ie the wet bulb temperature, the moisture content and the changes in enthalpy. This allows for a more in-depth analysis
for project or research work, for example comparing the change in moisture content of the air with the rate of moisture loss from the trays.
The user must have a PC with a USB port, running Windows 7 or above.
主站蜘蛛池模板: 舟山市| 保靖县| 巴中市| 沧州市| 建宁县| 嘉义市| 冕宁县| 富裕县| 荣成市| 福泉市| 安岳县| 柳河县| 息烽县| 清涧县| 阜城县| 饶阳县| 涟水县| 湘阴县| 北海市| 海淀区| 南涧| 酉阳| 石泉县| 东港市| 保靖县| 克什克腾旗| 贵港市| 通辽市| 兴义市| 杨浦区| 广灵县| 郎溪县| 凌云县| 镇坪县| 温泉县| 井陉县| 扎鲁特旗| 兴海县| 迁西县| 健康| 聂荣县|