Use:Compression frames
Standard:ASHTO T22, ASTM C39, ASTM C140
ASTM-AASHTO standalone frames for testing cylinders
50-A12Z00, 50-A22Z00 and 50-A32Z00, 1500kN (335 klbf), 2000kN (450 klbf) and 3000kN (660klbf) cap, frames consist of a rigid welded steel structure, with spherical seat and platens 165 mm dia., suitable for testing cylinders from dia. 4”x8” to 6”x12” as prescribed by ASTM C39 standard. The vertical clearance allows the testing of 6”x12” cylinders with capping retainers conforming to ASTM C1231. Supplied complete withpressure transducer, flexible plastic fragment guards and connection kit for separate control console. Pedestal and ridig front door not included, see Accessories.
50-A42Z00 and 50-A52Z00 frames, 2000 and 3000 kN cap., further to the performance above mentioned, feature a high stiffness structure which is more suitable for central and research laboratories. Supplied complete with pressure transducer, connection kit for separate control console and rigid front door. Pedestal not included, see Accessories.
ASTM-AASHTO standalone frames for testing blocks and cylinders
Models 50-A29Z00 2000kN (450klbf) cap. and 50-A39Z00 3000kN (660klbf) cap. are compression frames completely reversible, fitted with Premium Heavy Duty spherical seat and rectangular platens for testing blocks conforming to ASTM C140.
Using the innovative update 50-A29/CYL the seat-upper platen assembly for blocks can be easily switched with the other one for cylinders so that we really have a multi-testing unit.
For compression platens details, see TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS table
主站蜘蛛池模板: 胶南市| 肇源县| 灯塔市| 蒙城县| 廊坊市| 昭通市| 大厂| 富顺县| 贵溪市| 留坝县| 高唐县| 托克托县| 和林格尔县| 屏山县| 侯马市| 随州市| 通江县| 突泉县| 德令哈市| 长丰县| 宾阳县| 姚安县| 文化| 保山市| 华坪县| 太仆寺旗| 延吉市| 赤城县| 沈阳市| 广西| 和龙市| 建湖县| 苗栗县| 三原县| 商洛市| 鱼台县| 阳原县| 曲靖市| 婺源县| 贵港市| 大方县|