
EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing Quality Assurance Concrete Testing Slotted Distance Pieces
Slotted Distance Pieces

Model:50-L1000/100B, 50-L1000/68B and 50-L1000/50B

Use:Made of steel. Used to reduce the vertical daylight of the compression machines model 50-A29xxx and 50-A39xxx depending on the size of the specimen and considering that, in general, the maximum piston travel is 50 mm.


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Made of steel. Used to reduce the vertical daylight of the compression machines model 50-A29xxx and 50-A39xxx depending on the size of the specimen and considering that, in general, the maximum piston travel is 50 mm. 
Slotted distance pieces are inserted between the upper crossbar and the spherical seat. To lower the spherical seat you have to use the axial screw assembly.
Project Case
concrete testing, Controls
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